
Fldigi signalink setup
Fldigi signalink setup

fldigi signalink setup

FTDX3000 with an external interface such as a Signalink. I've tried every combination of option in fldigi and flrig, but I just can't seem to be able to send audio with flrig is running. In my PSK31 travels I have encountered other hams also using a Yaesu. If I stop flrig and do exactly the same thing, fldigi does the PTT properly (no live mic) and the audio is sent through the SignaLink to the radio (and I can see the signal meter showing that I am transmitting.

fldigi signalink setup

since the mic is live, the audio is not going to the radio. When I ask fldigi to send CW, the mic is keyed, and if I listen to the monitor port on the SignaLink, I hear the CW. Click near the top of the image to enlarge. RigCAT CAT Keying Soundcard DTR-RTS Keying Modem/TTY/RX Modem/TTY/TX Sweet Spot in Fldigi Misc. Fldigi Setup Easy RTTY (AFSK) PSK31 & CW. In Configuration, go to Fldigi under Applications and uncheck the box to start Fldigi on startup. I can control the rig when flrig is running through either flrig or fldigi, and PTT on flrig (and T/R on fldigi) keys the mic. SignaLink USB Product Guide - Look here to see what part numbers you need for your radio SignaLink Jumper Settings and Radio Wiring Information Communication Program Setup for the SignaLink USB - Click here for help configuring your communication program. NOTE: There is no need to start the Fldigi service in Log4OM. I have an RTSystems cable connected to COMM port, and the SignaLink connected to the ACC2 port. I'm trying to set up fldigi, flrig and my new SignaLink USB, and I'm having some issues with all three connected and running. Disclaimer - this is my first attempt at controlling my radio (TS-570DG) through my computer.

Fldigi signalink setup